Criminal narrative

Other languages
- Dutch: misdaadliteratuur
- French: biographie de criminels, réçit de gueuserie, complainte criminel, confession (often parodic), roman criminel, canard sanglant, chanson criminelle
- German: Kriminalliteratur
- Italian: storie criminali, narrativa criminale
- Polish: opowieść kryminalna, opowieść detektywistyczna
- Spanish: coplas de ajusticiados
Material form
Printed book, Single-sheet printSubject
Music and performative literature, Narrative literature and history, News and current affairsDescription
Criminal narratives are stories about criminals, be it fictional or non-fictional. This genre comprises many forms such as criminal biographies, dying speeches, murder and execution ballads, and penny prints. Dying speeches are pamphlets that included a sensationalist account of crimes and the execution of those who perpetrated these crimes. Such pamphlets appeared in England and Spain. In many cases they were to a large degree based on real historical events. However, they abundantly focussed on murderers as their subjects. As the name of the genre suggests, a large portion of these pamphlets were dedicated to the final words of the convict. Through their representation in these pamphlets, the last dying speeches had a moralizing role, warning the reader of the consequences of crime. These speeches often followed a stereotypical form, giving not only a confession of the crime but also a highly emotional ‘moral biography’ of their past sinful lives, of the circumstances that led them to crime, and of their eventual repentance and peace with their execution.
A substantial number of French canards, sensationalist news pamphlets, dealt with criminal narratives: the canards sanglants. These were popular especially in the 17th century. In later (19th-century) newspapers, much sensationalist crime news was included in the faits divers section.
A particular form of a criminal narrative was the cony-catching tract. They were quasi-fictional accounts of crime hunters, especially popular in Britain. They shared characteristics with picaresque novels in the sense that they were forms of a broader rogue literature, concerned with elements of crime and vice in society. Contrary to the picaresque however, the cony-catching tract presented itself as a true account of an investigator, rather than the fictional story of the rogue. The cony-catching tract was also more explicitly moralizing, providing one of the first examples in pamphlet literature where entertainment value was used to spread its moral message more effectively. This thus marks a departure from the heavy-handed moralizing tracts and sermons that were usually published as pamphlets.
Related terms
cony-catching tract, dying speech, gallows speech, criminals’ last words, criminal biography, murder ballad, execution ballad, execution broadside, pamphlet, penny print
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